
Research papers


  • Zalzal, J., Liu, Y., Smargiassi, A., & Hatzopoulou, M. 2024. Improving residential wood burning emission inventories with the integration of readily available data sources. Science of The Total Environment, 174226,
  • Torbatian, M. Saleh, J. Xu, L. Minet, S. Mahagammulla Gamage, D. Yazgi, S. Yamanouchi, M. Roorda, and M. Hatzopoulou. 2024. Societal co-benefits of zero-emission vehicles in the freight industry. Environmental Science & Technology, 58(18): 7814-7825,
  • Saleh, S. Yamanouchi, and M. Hatzopoulou. 2024. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Potential for Electrifying Transportation Network Companies in Toronto. Transportation Research Record, 0(0),
  • Yamanouchi, S., Gamage, S. M., Torbatian, S., Zalzal, J., Minet, L., Smargiassi, A., Liu, Y., Liu, L., Azargoshasbi, F., Kim, J., Kim, Y., Yazgi, D., and Hatzopoulou, M. 2024. Validation and analysis of the Polair3D v1.11 chemical transport model over Quebec, Geosci. Model Dev., 17, 3579–3597,
  • Doris, M., C. Daley, J. Zalzal, R. Chesnaux, L. Minet, M. Kang, É. Caron-Beaudoin, H. MacLean, M. Hatzopoulou. 2024. Modelling spatial & temporal variability of air pollution in an area of unconventional natural gas operations. Environmental Pollution, 348: 123773
  • Weaam, J., J. Xu, E. Farrar, C.H. Jeong, A. Ganji, G. Evans, M. Hatzopoulou. 2024. Challenges and opportunities of low-cost sensors in capturing the impacts of construction activities on neighborhood air quality. Building and Environment, 254: 111363
  • Ganji, A., M. Saeedi, M. Lloyd, J. Xu, S. Weichenthal, M. Hatzopoulou. 2024. Air pollution prediction and backcasting through a combination of mobile monitoring and historical on-road traffic emission inventories. Science of the Total Environment, 915: 170075
  • Xu, J., M. Saeedi, J. Zalzal, M. Zhang, A. Ganji, K. Mallinen, A. Wang, M. Lloyd, A. Venuta, L. Simon, S. Weichenthal, M. Hatzopoulou. 2024. Exploring the triple burden of social disadvantage, mobility poverty, and exposure to traffic-related air pollution. Science of the Total Environment, 920: 170947


  • Yamanouchi, S., S. Gamage, S.Torbatian, J. Zalzal, L. Minet, A. Smargiassi, Y. Liu, L. Liu, Y. Kim, D. Yazgi, A.A. Brown, M. Hatzopoulou. 2023. Validation and Analysis of the Polair3D v1. 11 Chemical Transport Model Over Quebec. EGUsphere [preprint] 
  • Lloyd, M., A. Ganji, J. Xu, A. Venuta, L. Simon, M. Zhang, M. Saeedi, S. Yamanouchi, J. Apte, K. Hong, M. Hatzopoulou, S. Weichenthal. 2023. Predicting spatial variations in annual average outdoor ultrafine particle concentrations in Montreal and Toronto, Canada: Integrating land use regression and deep learning models. Environment International, 178: 108106 
  • Ahmed, U., R. Tu, J. Xu, G. Amirjamshidi, M. Hatzopoulou, M.J. Roorda. 2023. GPS-based traffic conditions classification using machine learning approaches. Transportation research record, 2677(2): 1445-1454 
  • Zhai, Z., J. Xu, M. Zhang, A. Wang, M. Hatzopoulou. 2023. Quantifying Start Emissions and Impact of Reducing Cold and Warm Starts for Gasoline and Hybrid Vehicles. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 14 (1): 101646 
  • Ganji, A., O. Yousefi, J. Xu, K. Mallinen, M. Lloyd, A. Wang, A. Bakhtari, S. Weichenthal, M. Hatzopoulou. 2023. Design, calibration, and testing of a mobile sensor system for air pollution and built environment data collection: The Urban Scanner platform. Environmental Pollution,15 (317):120720. 


  • Da Silveira Fleck, A., J. Vachon, S. Buteau, E.A.L Sidi, M. Hatzopoulou, S. Weichenthal, A. Smargiassi. 2022. Exposure to ultrafine particles and the incidence of asthma in children: A population-based cohort study in Montreal, Canada. Environmental Epidemiology, 7(1):p e236 
  • Zalzal, J. and M. Hatzopoulou. 2022. Fifteen years of community exposure to heavy-duty emissions: Capturing disparities over space and time. Environmental Science and Technology, 56, 23, 16621–16632.  
  • To T, Terebessy E, Zhu J, Zhang K, Lakey PS, Shiraiwa M, Hatzopoulou M, Minet L, Weichenthal S, Dell S, Stieb D. 2022. Does early life exposure to exogenous sources of reactive oxygen species (ROS) increase the risk of respiratory and allergic diseases in children? A longitudinal cohort study. Environmental Health, 21 (1): 90.  
  • Xu, J., M. Zhang, A. Ganji, K. Mallinen, A. Wang, M. Lloyd, A. Venuta, L. Simon, J. Kang, J. Gong, Y. Zamel, S. Weichenthal, M. Hatzopoulou. 2022. Prediction of short-term ultrafine particle exposures using real-time street-level images paired with air quality measurements, Environmental Science and Technology, 56, 18, 12886–12897.  
  • Yankoty, L., P. Gamache, C. Plante, S. Goudreau, C. Blais, S. Perron, M. Fournier, M. Ragettli, M. Hatzopoulou. Y. Liu, A. Smargiassi. 2022. Relationships between long-term residential exposure to total environmental noise and stroke incidence. Noise and Health, 24: 33-39.  
  • Toyib, O., E. Lavigne, A. Traub, D. Umbrio, H. You, S. Ripley, K. Pollitt, T. Shin, R. Kulka, B. Jessiman, M. Tjepkema, R. Martin, D.M. Stieb, M. Hatzopoulou, G. Evans, R.T. Burnett, S. Weichenthal. 2022. Long-Term Exposure to Oxidant Gases and Mortality: Effect Modification by PM2.5 Transition Metals and Oxidative Potential. Epidemiology, Accepted.  
  • Saleh, M., U. Chowdhury, J. Vaughan, A. Wang, K. Mousavi, M. Roorda, M. Hatzopoulou. 2022. Climate and air quality impacts of off-peak commercial deliveries. Transportation Research Part D, 109, 103360. 
  • Ganji. A., M. Zhang, M. Hatzopoulou. 2022. Traffic volume prediction using aerial imagery and sparse data from road counts. Transportation Research Part C, 141, 103739.  
  • Ahmed, U., R. Tu, J. Xu, G. Amirjamshidi, M. Hatzopoulou, M. Roorda. 2022. GPS Based Traffic Condition Classification using Machine Learning Approaches. Transportation Research Record, Accepted.  
  • Saleh, M., A. Milovanoff, D. Posen, H. Maclean, M. Hatzopoulou. 2022. Energy and greenhouse gas implications of shared automated electric vehicles. Transportation Research Part D, 105: 103233.  
  • Zhai, Z., J. Xu, G. Song, M. Hatzopoulou. 2022 Comparative analysis of drive-cycles, speed limit violations, and emissions in two cities: Toronto and Beijing. Science of the Total Environment, 811: 152323.  
  • Wang, A., J. Xu, M. Zhang, Z. Zhai, G. Song, M. Hatzopoulou. 2022. Emissions and fuel consumption of a hybrid electric vehicle in real-world metropolitan traffic conditions. Applied Energy, 306 (Part B): 118077 
  • Wang, A., R. Tu, J. Xu, Z. Zhai, M. Zhang, M. Hatzopoulou. 2022. A Novel Modal Emission Modelling Approach and its Application with On-Road Emission Measurements.  Applied Energy, 306 (Part A): 117967. 
  • Tu, R., J. Xu, A. Wang, Z. Zhai, M. Hatzopoulou. 2022. Real-world emissions and fuel consumption of gasoline and hybrid light duty vehicles under local and regulatory drive cycles. Science of The Total Environment, 805:150407 


  • Chowdhury, T., J. Vaughan, M. Saleh, K. Mousavi, M. Hatzopoulou, M. Roorda. 2021. Modeling Impacts of Off-peak Delivery in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area. Transportation Research Record. TRBAM-21-00825. “Best Applied Research Paper Award”, Committee on Urban Freight Transportation.
  • Ripley, S. L. Minet, J. Zalzal, K. Pollitt, D. Gao, P. Lakey, M. Shiraiwa, B. Maher, M. Hatzopoulou, S. Weichenthal. Predicting Spatial Variations in Multiple Measures of PM2.5 Oxidative Potential and Magnetite Nanoparticles in Toronto and Montreal, Canada. Environmental Science and Technology (Accepted, Dec 16, 2021). es-2021-05364g.R1.
  • Chowdhury, T., J. Vaughan, M. Saleh, K. Mousavi, M. Hatzopoulou, M. Roorda. 2022. Modeling Impacts of Off-peak Delivery in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area. Transportation Research Record (Accepted, Dec 17, 2021). TRBAM-21-00825. “Best Applied Research Paper Award”, Committee on Urban Freight Transportation.
  • Ahmed, U., R. Tu, J. Xu, G. Amirjamshidi, M. Hatzopoulou, M. Roorda. GPS Based Traffic conditions Classification using Machine Learning Approaches. Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board (Revised and resubmitted, Nov 9, 2021). TRBAM-22-00401.
  • Wang, A., J. Xu, M. Zhang, Z. Zhai, Song, M. Hatzopoulou. 2022. Emissions and fuel consumption of a hybrid electric vehicle in real-world metropolitan traffic conditions. Applied Energy, 306 (Part B): 118077
  • Wang, A., R. Tu, J. Xu, Z. Zhai, M. Zhang, M. Hatzopoulou. A Novel Modal Emission Modelling Approach and its Application with On-Road Emission Measurements. Applied Energy, 306 (Part A): 117967.
  • Tu, R., J. Xu, A. Wang, Z. Zhai, M. Hatzopoulou. Real-world emissions and fuel consumption of gasoline and hybrid light duty vehicles under local and regulatory drive cycles. Science of The Total Environment, 805:150407
  • Weichenthal, S. Lavigne,E., Traub, A., Umbrio, D., You, H., Pollitt, K., Shin, T., Kulka, R., Stieb, D.M., Korsiak, J., Jessiman, B., Brook, J.R., Hatzopoulou, M., Evans, G., Burnett, R.T. 2021. Sulfur, Transition Metals, Oxidative Potential of Outdoor Fine Particulate Matter, and Acute Cardiovascular Events: A Case-Crossover Study of Canadian Adults. Environmental Health Perspectives, 129 (10): 107005.
  • El-Khoury, C., I. Alameddine, Zalzal, M. El-Fadel, M. Hatzopoulou. 2021. Assessing the intra-urban variability of nitrogen oxides and ozone across a highly heterogeneous urban area. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 193: 10.
  • Talaat, H., Xu, M. Hatzopoulou, H. Abdelgawad. 2021. Mobile Monitoring and Spatial prediction of Black Carbon in Cairo, Egypt. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 193: 587.
  • Yankoty, L., P. Gamache, C. Plante, S. Goudreau, C. Blais, S. Perron, M. Fournier, M. Ragettli, Fallah-Shorshani, M. Hatzopoulou. Y. Liu, A. Smargiassi. 2021. Long-term residential exposure to environmental/transportation noise and the incidence of myocardial infarction. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 232: 113666.
  • Minet, L., A. Wang, M. Hatzopoulou. 2021. Health and climate incentives for the deployment of cleaner on-road vehicle technologies. Environmental Science and Technology, 55, 10, 6602–6612.
  • Xu, J., R. Tu, U. Ahmed, G. Amirjamshidi, M. Hatzopoulou, M. Roorda. An Eco-Score System Incorporating Driving Behavior, Vehicle Characteristics, and Traffic Conditions, Transportation Research Part D, 95: 102866.
  • Stieb, D., G.J. Evans, T.M. To, P.S.J. Lakey, M. Shiraiwa, M, Hatzopoulou, L. Minet, J.R. Brook, R.T. Burnett, S.A. Weichenthal. 2021. Within-city Variation in Reactive Oxygen Species from Fine Particle Air Pollution and COVID-19. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 204 (2): 168–177.
  • Fallah-Shorshani, M., M. Franklin, M. Hatzopoulou. 2021. Evaluation of aggregate and individual vehicle activity on emissions models and their impact on air quality. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 12 (5): 101052.
  • Wang, A., J. Xu, M. Zhang, M. Adams, M. Hatzopoulou. 2021. Near-Road Air Quality Modelling that Incorporates Input Variability and Model Uncertainty. Environmental Pollution, 284: 117145.
  • Zhang, Z., S. Weichenthal, J. Kwong, R.T. Burnett, M. Hatzopoulou, M. Jerret, A. Van Dokelaar, L. Bai, R. Martin, R. Copes, H. Lu, P. Lakey, M. Shiraiwa, H. Chen. 2021. A Population-Based Cohort Study of Respiratory Disease and Long-Term Exposure to Iron and Copper in Fine Particulate Air Pollution and Their Combined Impact on Reactive Oxygen Species Generation in Human Lungs. Environmental Science and Technology, 55 (6): 3807-3818.
  • Liu, L., T. Oiamo. D. Rainham, H. Chen, M. Hatzopoulou, J.R. Brook, H. Davies, S. Goudreau, A. Smargiassi. 2021. Integrating random forests and propagation models for high-resolution noise mapping. Environmental Research, 195:110905.
  • Yankoty, L., P. Gamache, C. Plante, S. Goudreau, C. Blais, S. Perron, M. Fournier, M. Ragettli, M. Fallah-Shorshani, M. Hatzopoulou, Y. Liu, A. Smargiassi. 2021. Long-term residential exposure to environmental/transportation noise and the incidence of myocardial infarction. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 232(1):113666


  • Zhang, Z., S. Weichenthal, J. Kwong, R.T. Burnett, M. Hatzopoulou, M. Jerret, A. Van Dokelaar, L. Bai, R. Martin, R. Copes, H.Lu, P. Lakey, M. Shiraiwa, H. Chen. 2020. Long-term exposure to iron and copper in fine particulate air pollution and their combined impact on reactive oxygen species concentration in lung fluid: a population-based cohort study of cardiovascular disease incidence and mortality in Toronto, Canada. International Journal of Epidemiology, 1093/ije/dyaa230.
  • Karumanchi, S., J. Siemiatycki, L. Richardson, M. Hatzopoulou, E. Lequy. Spatial and temporal variability of airborne ultrafine particles in the Greater Montreal area: Results of monitoring campaigns in two seasons. Science of The Total Environment, 771:144652.
  • Zalzal, J., I. Alameddine, M. El-Fadel, S. Weichenthal, M. Hatzopoulou. 2020. Drivers of seasonal and annual air pollution exposure in a complex urban environment with multiple source contributions. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment,192, 1-23.
  • Biel, C. Danieli, M. Shekarrizfard, L. Minet, M. Abrahamowicz, J. Baumgartner, R. Liu, M. Hatzopoulou, S. Weichenthal. 2020. Acute cardiovascular health effects in a panel study of personal exposure to traffic-related air pollutants and noise in Toronto, Canada. Scientific Reports, 10(1).
  • Tu, R., J. Xu, A. Wang, Z. Zhai, M. Hatzopoulou. Effects of ambient temperature and cold starts on excess NOx emissions in a gasoline direct injection vehicle. Science of The Total Environment, 760:143402
  • Wang, A., J. Xu, R. Tu, M. Saleh, M. Hatzopoulou. Potential of machine learning for prediction of traffic related air pollution. Transportation Research Part D, 88:102599.
  • Al-Faseeh, L., Tu, B. Farooq, M. Hatzopoulou. 2020. Greenhouse Gas Emission Prediction on Road Network Using Deep Sequence Learning. Transportation Research Part D, 88: 102593  
  • Buteau, S., S. Belkaibech, M. Bilodeau-Bertrand, M. Hatzopoulou, A. Smargiassi, N. Auger. Association between Kawasaki disease and prenatal exposure to ambient and industrial air pollution: A population-based cohort study. Environmental Health Perspectives, 128 (10): 107006.
  • Saleh, M. and M. Hatzopoulou. 2020. Greenhouse gas emissions attributed to empty kilometers in automated vehicles. Transportation Research Part D, 88: 102567
  • Xu, J., R. Tu, A. Wang, Z. Zhai, Hatzopoulou. 2020. Generation of spikes in ultrafine particle emissions from a gasoline direct injection vehicle during on-road emission tests. Environmental Pollution, 276, 115695.
  • Lavigne, E., I. Lima, M. Hatzopoulou, K. Van Ryswyk, A. van Donkelaar, R.V. Martin, H. Chen, D.M. Stieb, R.T. Burnett, S. Weichenthal. 2020. Ambient Ultrafine Particle Concentrations and Incidence of Childhood Cancers. Environment International, 145, 106135.
  • Ganji, A., L. Minet, S. Weichenthal, M. Hatzopoulou. 2020. Predicting Traffic-Related Air Pollution Using Feature Extraction from Built Environment Images. Environmental Science and Technology, 54, 17, 10688–10699.
  • Djavadian, S., Tu, B. Farooq, M. Hatzopoulou. 2020. Multi-Objective Eco-Routing for Dynamic Control of Connected and Automated Vehicles. Transportation Research Part D, 87: 102513
  • Zhao N, Smargiassi A, Hatzopoulou M, Colmegna I, Hudson M, Fritzler MJ, Awadalla P, Bernatsky S.  2020. Long-term exposure to a mixture of industrial SO2, NO2, and PM5and anti-citrullinated protein antibody positivity.  Environmental Health, 19 (1): 86.
  • Zhai, Z., R. Tu, J. Xu, A. Wang, Hatzopoulou. 2020. Capturing the Variability in Instantaneous Vehicle Emissions Based on Field Test Data. Atmosphere, 11 (7): 765.
  • Morency, P. C. Plante, A.S. Dube, S. Goudreau, C. Morency, P.L. Bourbonnais, N. Eluru, L.F. Tetreault, M. Hatzopoulou, N.C. Iraganaboina, T. Bhowmik, A. Smargiassi. 2020. The Potential Impacts of Urban and Transit Planning Scenarios for 2031 on Car Use and Active Transportation in a Metropolitan Area. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (14), 5061.
  • Tu, R., Y. Gai, Posen, B. Farooq, M. Hatzopoulou. 2020. Electric Vehicle Charging Optimization to Minimize Marginal Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Power Generation, Applied Energy, 277: 115517.
  • Y., L. Minet, I.D. Posen, M. Hatzopoulou. 2020. Health and Climate Benefits of Electric Vehicle Deployment in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area, Environmental Pollution, 265 (Part A): 114983.
  • Xu, J., A. Wang, N. Schmidt, M. Adams, M. Hatzopoulou. 2020. A Gradient Boost Approach for Predicting Near-Road Ultrafine Particle Concentrations Using Detailed Traffic Characterization, Environmental Pollution, 265 (Part B): 114777.
  • Plante, C., P. Morency, M. Hatzopoulou, C. Morency, N. Eluru, LF Tetreault, S. Goudreau, PL Bourbonnais, T. Bhowmik, M. Shekarrizfard, N C Iraganaboina, W. Requia, A. Smargiassi. 2020. Environmental and health impacts of transportation and land use scenarios in 2061. Environmental Research, 187: 109622.
  • Wang, A. R. Tu, Y. Gai, L. G. Pereira, I. D. Posen, E. J. Miller, M. Hatzopoulou. Capturing uncertainty in emission estimates related to vehicle electrification and implications for metropolitan greenhouse gas emission inventories, Applied Energy, Volume 265, 114798.
  • Shekarrizfard, M., L. Minet, M. Fallah-Shorshani, E. Miller, B. Yusuf, S. Weichenthal, M. Hatzopoulou. 2020. Influence of travel behaviour and daily mobility on exposure to traffic-related air pollution, Environmental Research, Volume 184, 109326.
  • Minet, L., T. Chowdbury, Wang, Y. Gai, I.D. Posen, M. Roorda, M. Hatzopoulou. 2020. Quantifying the air quality and health benefits of greening freight movements, Environmental Research, Volume 183, 09193.
  • Xu, J., M. Saleh, M. Hatzopoulou. A machine learning approach capturing the effects of driving behaviour and driver characteristics on trip-level emissions, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 224, 117311.
  • Shi, T., Dirienzo, N., Requia, W. J., Hatzopoulou, M., Adams, M. D. 2020. Neighbourhood scale nitrogen dioxide land use regression modelling with regression kriging in an urban transportation corridor. Atmospheric Environment, Volume 223, 117218.
  • Waraich, A., Anowar, T. Tenaglia, T. Sider, A. Alam, N. Shabaanzaadeh, M. Hatzopoulou, N. Eluru. 2020. Disaggregate-level simulation of bus transit emissions in a large urban region. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 14 (7): 544-553.


  • Weichenthal, S., T. Olaniyan, T. Christidis, E. Lavigne, M. Hatzopoulou, K. Van Ryswyk, M. Tjepkema, R. Burnett. 2019. Within-city spatial variations in ambient ultrafine particle concentrations and incident brain tumors in adults. Epidemiology, 31(2): 177–183.
  • Liu Y, S. Goudreau,T. Oiamo, D. Rainham, M. Hatzopoulou, H. Chen, H. Davies, M. Tremblay, J. Johnson, A. Bockstael. 2019. Comparison of land use regression and random forests models on estimating noise levels in five Canadian cities. Environmental Pollution, Volume 256,  113367
  • Stogios, C., D. Kasraian, M. Roorda, M. Hatzopoulou. 2019. Simulating impacts of automated driving behaviour and traffic conditions on vehicle emissions, Transportation Research Part D, 76: 176-192.
  • Ganji, A., M. Shekarrizfard, A. Harpalani, J. Coleman, M. Hatzopoulou. 2019. Methodology for spatio-temporal predictions of traffic counts across an urban road network and generation of an on-road greenhouse gas emission inventory, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering,
  • Tu R., Wang, M. Hatzopoulou. 2019. Improving the Spatial Accuracy of Regional Emission Inventories and Investigating the Transferability of Emission Modeling Approaches across Different Cities, Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, 69 (11): 1377-1390.
  • Lavigne, E., I. Lima, M. Hatzopoulou, K. Van Ryswyk, ML. Decou, W. Luo, A. van Donkelaar, R.V. Martin, H. Chen, D. M. Stieb, E. Crighton, A. Gasparrini, A. S. Yasseen III, R. T. Burnett, M. Walker, Weichenthal. 2019. Spatial variations in ambient ultrafine particle concentrations and risk of congenital heart defects, Environment International, 130: 104953.
  • Hong, K.Y., P.O. Pinheiro, Minet, M. Hatzopoulou, S. Weichenthal. 2019. Extending the spatial scale of land use regression models for ambient ultrafine particles using satellite images and deep convolutional neural networks. Environmental Research, 176: 108513.
  • Gai, Y., A. Wang, L. Pereira, M. Hatzopoulou, I. D. Posen. 2019. Marginal greenhouse gas emissions of Ontario’s electricity system and the implications of electric vehicle charging. Environmental Science and Technology, 53 (13): 7903-7912.
  • Xu J., M. Saleh, A. Wang, R. Tu, Hatzopoulou. 2019. Embedding local driving behaviour in regional emission models to increase the robustness of on-road emission inventories. Transportation Research Part D, 73: 1-14.
  • Tu R., L. Alfaseeh., S. Djavadian., M., B. Farooq., M. Hatzopoulou. Quantifying the impacts of dynamic control in connected and automated vehicles on greenhouse gas emissions and urban NO2 concentrations Transportation Research Part D, 73: 142-151.
  • Zalzal J., I. Alameddine, El Khoury, L. Minet, M. Shekarrizfard, S. Weichenthal, M. Hatzopoulou. 2019. Assessing the transferability of land use regression models for ultrafine particles across two Canadian cities. Science of the Total Environment, 662:722-734.
  • Weichenthal, S., Shekarrizfard, A. Traub, R. Kulka, K. Al-Rijleh, S. Anowar, G. Evans, M. Hatzopoulou. 2019. Within-city spatial variations in multiple measures of PM2.5 oxidative potential in Toronto, Canada. Environmental Science and Technology, 53 (5): 2799-2810.
  • Lavigne, E., J. Donnelle, M. Hatzopoulou, K. Van Ryswyk, A. van Donkelaar, et al. 2019. Spatiotemporal variations in ambient ultrafine particles and the incidence of childhood asthma. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 199 (12):1487-1495.
  • Chamseddine, A., I. Alameddine, M. Hatzopoulou, M. El Fadel. 2019. Seasonal variation of air quality in hospitals with indoor–outdoor correlations. Building and Environment, 148: 689-700.
  • Weichenthal, S., M. Hatzopoulou, M. Brauer. 2019. A picture tells a thousand…exposures: Opportunities and challenges of deep learning image analyses in exposure science and environmental epidemiology. Environment International, 122: 3-10.



  • Anowar, S., Hatzopoulou, N. Eluru. 2017. Quantifying the value of a clean ride: How far would you bicycle to avoid exposure to traffic-related air pollution?. Transportation Research Part A, 105: 66-78.
  • Minet, L., R. Gehr, M. Hatzopoulou. 2017. Capturing the sensitivity of land-use regression models to short-term mobile monitoring campaigns using air pollution micro-sensors. Environmental Pollution, 230: 280-290.
  • Goldberg, M.S., F. Labreche, S. Weichenthal, E. Lavigne, M.F. Valois, M. Hatzopoulou, K. Van Ryswyck, Shekarrizfard, P.J. Villeneuve, D. Crouse, M.E., Parent. 2017. The association between the incidence of postmenopausal breast cancer and concentrations at street-level of nitrogen dioxide and ultrafine particles. Environmental Research, 5 (158): 7-15.
  • Fallah-Shorshani, M., M. Hatzopoulou, M. Shekarrizfard. 2017. Evaluation of regional and local atmospheric dispersion models for the analysis of traffic-related air pollution in urban areas. Atmospheric Environment, 167: 270-282.
  • Alam, A., M. 2017. Hatzopoulou. Modeling transit bus emissions using MOVES: Validation of default distributions and embedded drive cycles with local data. ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 143 (10): 04017049 1-9.
  • Harik G., M. El-Fadel, A. Shihadeh, I. Alameddine, M. Hatzopoulou. 2017. Is in-cabin exposure to carbon monoxide and fine particulate matter amplified by the vehicle’s self-pollution potential? Quantifying the rate of exhaust intrusion. Transportation Research Part D, 54: 225-238.
  • Weichenthal, S., L. Bai, M. Hatzopoulou, K. Van Ryswyk, J.C. Kwong, M. Jerrett, A. van Donkelaar, R.V. Martin, R.T. Burnett, H. Lu, H. Chen. 2017. Long-term exposure to ambient ultrafine particles and respiratory disease incidence in Toronto, Canada: A cohort study. Environmental Health, 16:64.
  • Weichenthal, S., E, Lavigne, F Valois, M. Hatzopoulou, K. Van Ryswyk, M. Shekarrizfard, P. Villeneuve, M. Goldberg, M.E Parent. 2017. Spatial variations in ambient ultrafine particle concentrations and the risk of incident prostate cancer: A case-control study. Environmental Research, 156: 374-380.
  • Buteau, S. M. Hatzopoulou, D. Crouse, A. Smargiassi, R. Burnett, T. Logan, Deville Cavellin, M. Goldberg. 2017. Comparison of spatiotemporal prediction models of daily exposure of individuals to ambient nitrogen dioxide and ozone in Montreal, Canada. Environmental Research, 156: 201-230
  • Hatzopoulou, M., M.F Valois, I. Levy, C. Mihele, G. Lu, S. Bagg, L. Minet, J. Brook. Robustness of land-use regression models developed from mobile air pollutant measurements. Environmental Science and Technology, 51 (7): 3938-3947.
  • Shekarrizfard, M., Faghih-Imani, LF. Tetreault, S. Yasmin, P. Morency, C. Plante, L. Drouin, A. Smargiassi, N. Eluru, M. Hatzopoulou. 2017. Modelling the spatio-temporal distribution of ambient nitrogen dioxide and investigating the effects of public transit policies on population exposure. Environmental Modelling and Software, 91: 186-198.
  • Shekarrizfard, M., Faghih-Imani, LF. Tetreault, S. Yasmin, F. Reynaud, P. Morency, C. Plante, L. Drouin, A. Smargiassi, N. Eluru, M. Hatzopoulou. 2017. Regional assessment of exposure to traffic-related air pollution: Impacts of individual mobility and transit investment scenarios. Sustainable Cities and Society, 29: 68-76.
  • Fallah-Shorshani, M., Shekarrizfard, M. Hatzopoulou. 2017. Integrating a street-canyon model with a regional Gaussian dispersion model for improved characterisation of near-road air pollution. Atmospheric Environment, 153: 21-31.
  • Addo, A. and M. Hatzopoulou. 2017. Harnessing the potential of AVL and APC data to simulate greenhouse gas emissions of an interregional bus route in Toronto, Canada. Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2627: 36-45.


  • Reynaud, F., Sider, M. Hatzopoulou, N. Eluru. 2016. Extending the Network Robustness Index to include emissions: a holistic framework for link criticality analysis for Montreal transportation system. Transportation Letters.
  • Wang, A., J. Xu, M. Fallah-Shorshani, M. Hatzopoulou. 2016. Characterizing near-road air pollution using local-scale emission and dispersion models and validation against in-situ measurements. Atmospheric Environment, 142: 452-464.
  • Xu, J., A. Wang, Hatzopoulou. Investigating near-road particle number concentrations along a busy urban corridor with varying built environment characteristics. 2016. Atmospheric Environment, 142: 171-180.
  • Lawlor, S., M. Rabbat, T. Sider, N. Eluru, M. Hatzopoulou. 2016. Detecting convoys using license plate recognition data. IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks, 2 (3): 391-405.
  • Shekarrizfard, M., Faghih-Imani, D. Crouse, M. Goldberg, N. Ross, N. Eluru, M. Hatzopoulou. 2016. Individual exposure to traffic related air pollution across land-use clusters. Transportation Research Part D, 46: 339-350.
  • Alam, A., M. Hatzopoulou. 2016. Deriving local operating distributions to estimate transit bus emissions across an urban network. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2570: 57-68.
  • Alamdeddine, I., Abi Esber, E. Abou Zeid, M. Hatzopoulou, M. El-Fadel. 2016. Operational and environmental determinants of in-vehicle CO and PM2.5 exposure. Science of the Total Environment, 551-552: 42-50.
  • Weichenthal, S., K. Van Ryswyk, Goldstein, S. Bagg, M. Shekarrizfard, M. Hatzopoulou. 2016. A land use regression model for ambient ultrafine particles in Montreal, Canada: A comparison of linear regression and a machine learning approach. Environmental Research, 146: 65-72.
  • Widener, M. and M. Hatzopoulou. 2016. Contextualizing research on transportation and health: A systems perspective. Journal of Transport and Health, 3 (3): 232-239.
  • Ragettli, M., S. Goudreau, C. Plante, M. Fournier, M. Hatzopoulou, S. Perron, A. Smargiassi. Statistical modeling of the spatial variability of environmental noise levels in Montreal, Canada, using noise measurements and land use characteristics. 2016. Journal of exposure science and environmental epidemiology, 26 (6): 597-605.
  • Deville Cavellin, L., S. Weichenthal, R. Tack, M. Ragettli, A. Smargiassi, M. Hatzopoulou. 2016. Investigating the use of portable air pollution sensors to capture the spatial variability of traffic related air pollution. Environmental Science & Technology, 50 (1): 313-320.
  • Shekarrizfard, M., A. Faghih-Imani, Hatzopoulou. 2016. An examination of population exposure to traffic related air pollution: Comparing spatially and temporally resolved estimates against long-term average exposures at the home location. Environmental Research, 147: 435-444.
  • Farrell, W., Weichenthal, M.F. Valois, M. Goldberg, M. Shekarrizfard, M. Hatzopoulou. 2016. Near-roadway air pollution across a spatially extensive road and cycling network. Environmental Pollution, 212: 498-507.
  • Weichenthal, S., K. Van Ryswyk, Goldstein, M. Shekarrizfard, M. Hatzopoulou. 2016. Characterizing the spatial distribution of ultrafine particles in Toronto, Canada: A Land-use regression model. Environmental Pollution, 208 (A): 241-248.


  • Sider, T., Goulet-Langlois, N. Eluru, M. Hatzopoulou. 2015. Evaluating the sensitivity of transport emission inventories to the level of input aggregation and model randomness. Transportation, 43:315-335.
  • Farrell, W., S. Weichenthal, M. Goldberg, M. Hatzopoulou. 2015. Evaluating air pollution exposures across cycling infrastructure types: Implications for facility design. Journal of Transportation and Land-Use, 8 (3): 131-149.
  • Sider, T., Hatzopoulou, N. Eluru, G. Goulet-Langlois, K. Manaugh. 2015. Smog and socio-economics: An evaluation of equity in traffic-related air pollution exposure and generation. Environment and Planning B, 42: 870-887.
  • Farrell, W., Deville-Cavellin, S. Weichenthal, M. Goldberg, M. Hatzopoulou. 2015. Capturing the urban canyon effect on particle number concentrations across a large road network using spatial analysis tools. Building and Environment, 92: 328 -334.
  • Shekarrizfard, M., Shamsunnahar, M.F. Valois, M. Goldberg, D. Crouse, N. Ross, M.E. Parent, M. Hatzopoulou. 2015. Investigating the role of transport models in epidemiologic studies of traffic related air pollution and health effects. Environmental Research, 140: 282-291.
  • Dale, LM., S. Goudreau, S. Perron, MS. Ragettli, M. Hatzopoulou, A. Smargiassi. 2015. Socioeconomic status and environmental noise exposure in Montreal, Canada. BMC Public Health, 15: 205.
  • Ghafghazi, G. and M. Hatzopoulou. 2015. Simulating the air quality impacts of traffic calming schemes in a dense urban neighbourhood. Transportation Research Part D, 35: 11-22.