Positive Zero Transport Futures
Accelerate the transfer of transport decarbonization research & innovation into actionable knowledge.
- A living lab ecosystem where new technologies, services, and policies are tested in a real-world context.
- A learning community with membership from industry, government, non-profit, citizen groups, and academia, to design, pilot, and study new transportation and mobility interventions.
Positive Zero will provide the expertise to launch pilot projects, design intervention studies, conduct research with partners and affected communities, and most critically to share the real-world experiences gained across the network.

(A figure of objectives, including creating parnterships with various stakeholders, enabling muti-disciplinary research, training young scientists/innovators, and knowledge mobilization)
How does it work?

(A figure of processes: The pitch (submitted through multiple channels); Create network of experts & partners; Develop research, KT & community engagement approach; Establish funding & experiential learning opportunities; Procced with case study, and Measure success)
Partnership opportunities
Research Partners
Participate in research and co-fund projects
Host student interns
Part of the learning community
Benefits of partnership
Access to multi-disciplinary academic research team
Access to state-of-the-art research facilities (lab and fields)
Opportunities for matching funds from grant programs facilitated by positive zero
Access to interns
Learning Community
Attend events
Contribute to the events
Contribute to training
Contribute to knowledge mobilization
Benefits of partnership
Knowledge sharing
Network opportunities
Access to experts